Originally published by: David Abers, Dec 27, 2016, on: itagroup.com

Utilizing the latest event catering trends at your event is a must. Why? Today, people are much more in tune with food than ever before:

All of these trends tally up to one thing: the stakes have changed for event catering.

Simply put, the same-old rubber chicken and so-so hors d’oeuvres won’t leave a great impression on you, your message or your event as a whole.

That’s why event planners need to stay up-to-date on the latest in event catering.

Follow these trends for a surefire culinary celebration.

What’s Hot

Destination-Specific Cuisine

Chances are, your people traveled to get to your event. They’re in a new spot and might even want to do some sightseeing on the side. While some people like to check out the city via taxi or subway, others prefer a fork and knife.

That’s why destination-specific food is a huge trend. Give them an experience they can’t get in any other place.

Try this: Hire a local restaurateur to serve up a local lunch or dinner featuring the famous foods of your city.

Local Beer and Wine

After your event turns the lights off for the evening, your attendees will want to go out for a drink or two. And, just like food, they probably won’t be attracted to the same old suds they can get back home.

Beer from local microbreweries and wine from local vintners are a must to give your people a truly local indulgence.

Try this: Tie your local dinner together with local beverages.


Smart Menus, Smart People

The food you’re serving makes a real difference to the amount your people learn and can recollect from your event. It’s food for thought—literally!

Participants need to feel alert and ready to engage. And that starts with menu planning.

Try this: Healthy menus are what’s in. Plan your menu around high-protein, low-fat meats such as turkey, chicken, salmon or Omega-3-loaded fish (which have been proven to boost mental health); superfoods, such as kale and advocados; and whole grains.


Grab and Go

At events, your hard-charging teams are there for one reason: networking. A grumbling stomach might be more of an inconvenience than anything else. Give them an opportunity to grab a meal and get back to work—quick.

Try this: Bring in food trucks to let hurried diners get a taste of local flavors on the fly.


Food Experiences

On the other side of the spectrum, event food can be the event in itself. Put food in the limelight of your event through immersive experiences that serve up your message with a side of fun.

Attendees of all generations and demographics love the experience of learning how to cook what they’re eating. Accordingly, consider making food an activity in itself. A tour of a professional kitchen plus an interactive cooking class of local delicacies can give them memories they won’t soon forget.

Try this: Turn underutilized areas outside of your venue into an impressive outdoor hotspot like we did for one client. For more on that, check out our interactive look book.


What’s Not

Boring Buffets

Rubbery chicken, iceberg lettuce salad and garlic bread. Yawn! Preset buffets are on the way out, thank goodness.

Hotels like the Hyatt Gainey Ranch in Scottsdale, Arizona are breaking new ground by letting their attendees choose what they want to be served at mealtime.

Try this: Ban the buffet! Event trends are leaning toward providing real choices, and younger generations are expecting it.


Sugary Snacks

It’s 2:30 p.m., and your attendees have sat through four workshops, two product demos and a keynote. It’s snack time!

Sugar-drenched brownies and cookies—the kind seemingly always next to the coffee carafes—might not be the best idea. These high-glycemic foods might taste good, but the inevitable crash will leave your people zonked and cranky until dinner.

Try this: Snacking is an inevitable part of events, so put focus on protein if you don’t want to host a post-break snoozefest.


Food Waste

According to Feeding America, up to 40 percent of the good, safe food produced in America never makes it to people’s plates, and that’s a trend people are noticing. Combatting food waste, both of extraneous packaging and food itself, should be a given at conferences in 2017.

Try this: Donate any leftovers to local food pantries or shelters and boost recycling by adding more bins and educating participants about what is recyclable.

Truly immersive, strategic events are about engaging with people through all of their five senses—taste included. Follow these culinary trends to keep attendees captivated and tied up in your message.